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الجمعة، ٧ ديسمبر ٢٠١٢

Hanging Gardens of Babylon / حدائق بابل




Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the fictional images of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The capital of the Babylonian Kingdom Pablatin empires.- Sumerians were the oldest inhabitants of Babylonia.- Babylon town ancient land of Mesopotamia, the Tigris and the Euphrates River.- Have been cited in the Koran "and what was revealed to kings Babylon Harut and Marut"- The city was religious and commercial center of Babylonia.- The word "Babylon" in Akkadian language means "Gate of God".- Ancients called it by several names including "Pablonaa", the land of Babylon, Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia.

Babylon become after the fall of the Babylonian Sumer base, has been established by Hammurabi around 2100 BC., Stretched from the Persian Gulf in the south to the Tigris River in the north.- The long 43-year rule of Hammurabi Babylonian civilizations flourished, where his time is the golden age for the country of Iraq.

Was located on the banks of the Euphrates River near the city of Hilla, present in Iraq.- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the world.- There were eight gates and was the most luxurious of these massive gates Ishtar Gate.- Temple of Marduk is located inside the courtyard walls great religious festival, located outside the city.

Adopted the Babylonian economy mainly on agriculture has land planted with wheat, vegetables and fruits.- And dug canals and livestock Rbua.- And they made things from clay, stone and bone, wood and metal.- Learned the draining of the marshes and mud brick industry.

Split the community in Babylonia, during different eras to multiple layers is a layer aristocracy which usually includes government officials and the priests and the wealthy landowners and some traders.- Public class; were composed of artisans, clerks and farmers.- A thin layer that formed the lowest strata of society Babylonian.- They make huts of reeds and mud.

- They were using baked clay or sun-dried to build their homes.

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة

حدائق بابل المعلقة



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