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Amazing Railway





The Chaсaral - Llantas Potrerillos line in Chile is one of the most stunning railways in the world. It connects Chaсaral at the Pacific coast with Potrerillos, a remote mining town in the Andes on 2850m/ 9350ft. On the last 66km between Llantas and Potrerillos, the railroad first passes a rugged, lonesome valley and finally winds up to the terminus of the line, passing a breathtaking mountain scenery. The Railroad Chaсaral - Potrerillos, today operated by Ferronor, actually belongs to Codelco, a state owned copper mining company.

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

Amazing Railway (17 pics)

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