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محاصرين بالتلفريك لمده ساعه17






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عمال الانقاذ يساعدون الركاب للخروج من التلفريك بعد كانوا محاصرين لمدة 17 ساعة


في ألمانيا

Terrifying helicopter rescue of cable car passengers trapped hundreds of feet in the air ALL NIGHT


Last updated at 6:44 PM on 13th August 2011


Twenty holidaymakers spent a terrified night trapped in a cable car in the German Alps before being rescued by helicopter.

The tourists, including several children, were lifted to safety after having been suspended 260ft above the ground for 17 hours.

Police said the cable car was stopped on Friday after a paraglider crashed into the cables of the system which climbs the Tegelberg mountain, but a prompt rescue effort was hampered by strong winds.


A helicopter flies near the ropes of a cable car at Mount Tegelberg, near Schwangau, Germany

A helicopter flies near the ropes of a cable car at Mount Tegelberg, near Schwangau, Germany

Rescuers help passengers out of the cable car after they were trapped for 17 hours

Rescuers help passengers out of the cable car after they were trapped for 17 hours

The 6,170ft mountain stands within sight of one of Germany's most popular tourist attractions, the Neuschwanstein Castle, which is said to have been the inspiration for one of Walt Disney's trademark fairytale castles.

Rescue workers managed to provide those stranded with warm blankets and food and drink. The children were also given toys to keep them occupied.

In the early morning rescue efforts were resumed by helicopter and all those involved were brought back down and believed to be in good health.

Safe: The holiday makers were rescued after spending the entire night stranded in a cable car 100 metres above the ground

Safe: The holiday makers were rescued after spending the entire night stranded in a cable car 100 metres above the ground

Popular: The tourists were visiting one of Germany's most popular tourist attractions when the tragedy happened

Popular: The tourists were visiting one of Germany's most popular tourist attractions when the tragedy happened

Despite their ordeal many of those rescued appeared to be in good spirits and were seen laughing and joking with emergency services once they were safely back on the ground.

Tegelberg is within sight of one of Germany's most popular tourist attractions - the Neuschwanstein Castle, which is often regarded as the inspiration for one of Walt Disney's fairytale castles.
The area is popular with hikers but offers visitors the option of being able to reach the top of the mountain by cable car without having to climb.
Finally: A girl is taken back to safety after a paraglider crashed into the gondola which later broke and trapped 20 people

Finally: A girl is taken back to safety after a paraglider crashed into the gondola which later broke and trapped 20 people

Idyllic: The site of the cable cars at Tegelberg mountain in Schwanagau near Fuessen, Germany

Idyllic: The site of the cable cars at Tegelberg mountain in Schwanagau near Fuessen, Germany

The cable car at Tegelberg, which sits around 80m in the air

The cable car at Tegelberg, which sits around 80m in the air

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