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Long Lake Name / بحيرة اسمها يتكون من 45 حرف






مجموعة أبوعمر تهتم بالشئون الإماراتية بشكل خاص

والعالمية بشكل عام

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In the U.S. there is a lake called Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagunamaugg.
This is the name of 45 letters gave him the local Indians of the tribe of Nipmuc. The lake is located in central Massachusetts and means something like "borderline neutral place of fishing the Indian and British armed with knives".
The authorities decided to keep the historic name will appear during the colonization of America. But dealing with it Americans can not a giant word almost everywhere is written with mistakes, including on road signs and cards. And so on to say it out loud can be no question: the locals call the lake just a "Lake Webster" from the name of the nearest town.
Residents of the state is very proud of their attraction. Once, in 1949, the authorities offered to remove a couple of «G» of those fifteen «G», which are present in the title, to ease pronunciation. This idea has aroused a strong protest that the local poet, even wrote a poem called "Hands Off G of our big lake!". Its a great curiosity.

lake chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagunamaugg

lake chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagunamaugg


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